College Essays is a term that most students dread. This is because they get not only complex but also demand undivided dedication and attention and huge time commitment. College students always juggle between multiple commitments and essays or assignments that disrupt their mental peace and work-life balance.
So, college students try to hire assignment help while doing their essays. Students always find it difficult to get started with the essay. However, it is also the most important. How you start an essay directs the way where you will end up. Professional writers help the students to make a solid start and nudge in the right directions all along the way.
However, you must learn how to construct the perfect essay by yourself so that you don’t have to wonder, “Who will write my assignment?” at the last hour. There are eight simple steps that you must follow. They are –
The Full Hemmingway
This refers to an imagery representation focusing on a particular moment without explaining much of it. At least not in that instant. This technique lets the actions, details, or dialogues speak for themselves.
For example, “Every Sunday morning, I’d get up to the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. I would see my wife brewing a pot of Columbian coffee and baking my favourite shortbread cookies with oatmeal and honey.”
This technique is effective because we can visualise what is going on even if we don’t know the meaning of certain things.
The Mini Hemmingway
This is similar to the previous technique; however, the sentences are short here. Usually, the writers use one to three sentences to describe their essays. They focus on one moment and follow up that sentence with a short explanation. That gives the readers a context of what is getting described.
For example, you can take the previous context, like, “Every Sunday morning, I’d get up to the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. I would see my wife brewing a pot of Columbian coffee and baking my favourite shortbread cookies with oatmeal and honey. That’s how our favourite Sunday tradition started at my home.”
The last sentence gives the readers a brief idea about the writer’s culture, family, and how the essay is headed in a certain direction.
The Twist
The author starts by giving information that gives us certain expectations. After that, the essay suddenly takes off in another direction.
For example, “When I was growing up, I was a lot into cricket. I always spent most of my summer vacations on the fields playing cricket. My elbows and knees were bruised most of the time, and my skin was tanned. I loved the buzzing of the grounds, whistles, shouting of other players. But I was the same old Asian nerd as soon as I woke up from my dream every morning.”
This technique is effective because it throws the readers completely off-guard. Readers love to get shocked and encounter twists while reading. Considering this example, the readers already presumed the character to be a sportsperson. Suddenly their whole perception got changed. When the reader’s expectations are thrown for a toss, they can’t help but wonder what will come next to know more about the story or essay.
The Philosophical Question
Throw a question to your readers without giving a definite answer for it. This demonstrates just how amazing our brain is and works. It will keep the readers hooked for possible answers or solutions.
For example, ask the readers questions like, “Does the afterlife truly exists? Why do we often feel that we have previously seen some incident, although it happened just now?”
The philosophical questions often help the authors to raise interesting and complex questions. It makes the readers think and wonder. Thus, this approach is great to provoke the interest of the readers. However, you must be alert while using this technique.
Philosophical questions may often delve into being too ambiguous and confusing. That will pose a negative impact on the readers. Using the Philosophical Question approach in a refined manner takes practice and time to master.
The Confession
As the name suggests, this approach is by confessing something that you have done or have happened with you. Confess the incident with the possibility of getting judged.
For example, “I have been duped many times in my life. Not just by online scammers, but by my local shopkeepers, friends, and even family.”
This approach clearly states your vulnerability. But that situation intrigues the readers to know more about how that impacted your life. The readers try to find out why the friends and families dupe him. Why hasn’t he retaliated? This provokes questions, and that makes the essay successful.
The Trailer Thesis
Contextualise a couple of sentences. Help the readers to get a hint at what is about to come without revealing many details. Be alert not to give away any major spoilers or endings while writing the essay.
For example, “The desk where I sat for the last six years knows my most intricate details. It is not about the time I cried on this very desk for the last six years, but about the legacy I will be leaving behind to my protégé.”
This approach always hits hard. Within the first few lines, the reader will be thinking about the direction of the essay. This approach gives us a minor hint about what you may expect. But you will never be too sure about what is going to come.
The Random Personal Fun Fact
Begin with a playful jibe at yourself. This is an unconventional yet effective way of grabbing eyeballs. People are not always ready to learn personal facts about the authors. When they encounter any such fact, they feel intrigued and keep reading to find out where it leads.
The Shocking Image
Make an instant impact with an arresting image or sentence. Then explain why that matters.
For example, “Shredded feathers and blood everywhere. There was no way the bird was alive. But no! there’s the slight fluctuation of its chest. The eyes are slowly blinking. It was alive, after all.
This style highlights the writing calibre of the author yet manages to retain the focus on the story.
Summing Up:
Writing college essays may seem daunting, but following these nine simple techniques will help you write essays like a breeze. For any emergency, you can always take assignment help to write the college essays.
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