Although the word has tremendously revolutionized one ancient thing is still widely used i.e. pens. Undoubtedly today multiple types of pens are manufactured but the purpose of all is the same i.e. writing, and packing them requires custom pen boxes.
For the sake of protection, casting a memorable first impression, getting enticing designs, and creating a unique identity for your brand packaging is vital. But to get perfect boxes you need to understand the packaging.
Pen packaging boxes should have the capacity to keep your pens safe and in sound condition whether in the market or during transit. Not only this, but to give a beguiling presentation to your pens you have to invest in the design and color selection of the cartons. Don’t know how to select perfect boxes? Don’t niggle as today’s blog is a treat for you.
How To Manufacture Custom Pen Boxes
To manufacture custom pen boxes, start by the selection of premium quality material that can serve the purpose effectively. But obviously, you cannot solely rely on material some other things are essential for custom boxes, so let’s dig into the guide:
Boxes need to be sturdy so that the actual purpose i.e. the protection can be achieved. Apart from this, the high quality of the box makes the customers think positively of your brand standard. In the market, there are multiple material options due to this it has become difficult for brands to identify which material is a good option for their products. For your boxes, you can use the following materials:
Cardboard: Cardboard pen boxes are robust so give perfect protection to the packed pens. Moreover, the smooth surface, of the material allows you to print it with any design of your choice.
Kraft: This material is a good option when sustainability is the priority of your brand. Kraft is tear-resistant and to print it coatings are required nonetheless coating decreases the sustainable nature of kraft.
Corrugated: Corrugated material is durable due to two reasons. The one is the outer and inner layers of cardboard and the second is the middle fluted layer. The middle layer gives additional strength to the boxes. If you need wholesale custom presentation boxes for sales for your pens then this material is the best option.
For the designing of the boxes, multiple customization options are available. The design of the boxes must be catchy enough so that your product looks different from the rest of the brands’. Do not overcomplicate the designs and keep a delicate balance of simplicity and sleekness. To design your customized pen boxes you can use the following methods:
Pre-Printing Coatings
Pre-printing coatings are necessary to make the substrate able to print. An uncoated material can never be printed. Along with ease in printing, the coatings give protection from scuffing to the packaging material.
After pre-printing coating, you need to decorate the boxes with printing techniques. From offset to digital and screen printing, all types can be used. You can calculate the potential cost of a specific printing process, do a cost analysis, and get your pen packaging boxes printed accordingly.
Post-Printing Coatings

Post-printing coatings enhance the look of the boxes by giving them a subtle shine or matness. In addition to giving appeal to the boxes, post-printing coatings give additional protection to the material.
Today the custom boxes market has advanced a lot and there are several ways by which a brand can create eye-catching boxes. You can ask your pen boxes wholesale provider to use add-ons on the boxes and make them charming. You can simply push the typography or design outward i.e. select embossing to get a unique look for the boxes.
How Pen Boxes Can Be Advantageous For Brands
Pen packaging boxes can be immensely advantageous for the brand if they manufacture them carefully and after doing the market analysis. This way you cannot only identify new ways of manufacturing the boxes but also get an idea about the tactics your rival brands are using.
Branding: Adding logos on the boxes of a brand can be an easy way to promote itself and get a marketing tool.
Instant Shelf Appeal: The elegant and catchy design of the boxes will create shelf appeal. When the customer sees your pen elegantly packed on the retail shelf there are high chance customers will buy your pens.
Enriched Customer Experience: Innovative packaging makes the customers hooked to your pen-producing company. You can make the customer experience memorable with your brand by manufacturing professionally designed boxes.
Conclusion Remarks!
Get yourself custom pen boxes and become one of the most successful pen sellers in the USA. The box material is necessary to be considered if you want to show the customers the positives of your brand and if you are looking for a way to keep your pens secure. Moreover, to fully engage the customer and to promote your brand do not forget to invest in the design of the boxes.