Starfield has clans, just like other Bethesda games. How to connect them all.
Starfield, the long-awaited sci-fi RPG from Bethesda Games Studios, is finally out. Players can’t wait to explore a whole new world full of unique stories and lore. In the Settled Systems, players will deal with a lot of different people and settings. There are also a lot of complicated political and international situations going on.
When playing Starfield, players will come across many different worlds and groups of people. Each group has its own goals, history, and beliefs. Like in other Bethesda games, players can join more than one of these groups and will be given quests that are related to each one. There will be a lot of groups that are against each other, so improving your standing with one may hurt your standing with another.

Constellation is a group of space scientists whose main goal is to find and return Artifacts. Since Sebastian Banks started Constellation in 2275, their main goal has been to learn as much as possible and find the greater secrets of the universe wherever they may be.
Soon after the task starts, players will be able to join Constellation. To begin the quest “The Old Neighborhood,” players must go to The Lodge in New Atlantis. This task takes them to Earth’s home solar system. If you finish this task with Sarah, you will be able to join the Constellation group in full.
United Colonies

The most powerful group in Starfield is the United Colonies, which is made up of most of humanity as it has grown since leaving Earth. The Alpha Centauri, Sol, and Wolf star systems, as well as the capital city New Atlantis, are all under their control.
A player can join this group by becoming a UC Vanguard, which is a top ship expert in the United Colonies. To begin, players must sign up for the UC by talking to Tuala in New Atlantis’s MAST neighborhood. After that, they have to pass a Vanguard test and a trial task before they can fully enter Starfield.
Freestar Collective

The Cheyenne, Narion, and Volii systems are run by the Freestar Collective, which is a free government in the Settled Systems. Akila City is home to the political center of the Freestar Collective. Players will go there early in Starfield with Sam Coe.
A Freestar Ranger is someone who enforces the rules for the Freestar Collective. To become one, players must go to The Rock in Akila City and talk to Emma Wilcox. First, they will have to do a few things to show their loyalty to the faction. Once they do that, they will be fully a part of that faction.
Ryujin Industries

Ryujin Industries is a huge, technological company whose main office is in the cyberpunk city of Neon on the planet Volii-Alpha. There may be unethical parts of all of the groups, but Ryujin Industries is a little less quiet about them because they put making money ahead of everything else.
As part of the quest “Back to the Grind,” players will have the chance to join Ryujin Industries. When players get to Neon, they can fill out a job application in one of the city’s stations. If they get the job, they’ll be asked to come in for an interview and given some tasks to do before they can start working.
House of the Enlightened

There is a group of people called the Enlightened who are dogmatically atheists and think that the human spirit is holy above all else. They work all over the Settled Systems to try to make sure that everyone has the same basic rights. Their main goal is to help people in need.
If players choose the “Raised Enlightened” trait, they can join the House of the Enlightened. For this reason, they will be able to use special conversation with some group members and get to a special loot chest in their church in New Atlantis’s The Well neighborhood.
Sanctum Universum

The House of the Enlightened is in direct conflict with the Santum Universum, which is an organized church. People of this solitary faith honor one God and think that everyone is being led to meet Him. They think that the fact that grav-drive was invented is enough proof to support this view.
To join the Sanctum Universum, players must choose the “Raised Universal” trait when customizing their characters. This will give them special ways to talk to the group and let them open a special chest full of goodies in the Santum Universum church in New Atlantis.
House Va’ruun

House Va’ruun is a cult faith whose main idea is that the Great Serpent will come back and destroy everything. It’s not clear where the cult came from, but one story says that during a grav-jump, a ship full of colonists met the Great Serpent, a holy being that demanded they serve and worship it.
At the start of Flappy Bird, the player can choose to side with House Va’ruun by giving their character the “Serpent’s Embrace” feature. In exchange for not using grav-jumps for a certain amount of time, they will get boosts after using them.
Crimson Fleet

The Crimson Fleet is a well-known group of space pirates that is one of the United Colonies’ main enemies. The Key, their main building, is in the Kryx star system. Several times during the main questline, players will have to deal with them.
For the task “Deep Cover,” players will be able to join the Crimson Fleet actually. They will be taken to meet Commander Ikande of UC Security and given an undercover task if they are caught moving drugs or stealing from other players.

Throughout the game, players can work for a number of different groups, even if they aren’t officially part of those groups or following a deep quest line. Some of these are Stroud-Ecklund, Trackers, The Trade Authority, and Galbank. Players can do independent work for these groups and take on tasks that are paid for by them.
As part of their jobs, the Trade Authority might bring goods or transport people, while Galbank and the Trackers might ask that certain targets and rewards be taken out. During the quest “Overdesigned,” players will work with the ship-building company Stroud Ecklund to make one of the best ships in the game.