Based on how weak they are, these are the Elite Four players from all Pokemon games.
The only trainers better than the Elite Four in the Pokémon games is the Champion of each area. The player must beat the Elite Four and then the Champion with a team of only one type to finish the game.
Even though the Elite Four are thought to be the toughest coaches, some opponents are stronger than their peers. If one Pokemon can defeat a trainer’s whole team, then is that Pokemon one of the “Elite Four”? These are the 10 best Elite Four Pokemon in the games.
Bruno – Kanto

Even though Bruno is an expert in the Fighting type, he has two Onix on his team: FireRed and LeafGreen, which makes his team weaker because Onix is four times weaker to both water and plants.
Fighting-type Pokemon like Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, and Machamp make up the rest of his team. Since they don’t have many move versions, a Flying-type or Psychic-type Pokemon can easily beat the Kanto Elite Four member’s team.Hitmonchan has elemental punches in Red & Blue, which is great for type coverage, but Bruno doesn’t use them again in later games.
Olivia – Alola

Because it has so many flaws, Rock is one of the weaker types in the series, so having an Elite Four member who is good at it isn’t the best idea. Olivia’s team is pretty good. Some of them are Relicanth, Lycanroc, and Alolan Golem.
Olivia’s group won’t be able to handle Relicanth if they have a Grass-type Pokemon because their moves are too similar to counter Rock’s flaws. Three of her Pokemon only have three moves. There was room for variety, but GameFreak chose to make this fight easy enough that even a new master could do it.
Kahili – Alola

Additionally, Kahlili is one of Alola’s Elite Four, and she has a good team made up of Flying types that each have their own unique secondary typing.
In spite of this, her team can’t handle the Flying-types’ weaknesses against Electric, Ice, and Rock without moving and getting ready well. It’s not enough to just give the player one move for each of these types to counter one weakness. But there is something there instead of just some things on this list.
Rika – Paldea

Rika is a new member of the Elite Four. With her team of Ground-type Pokémon, she is one of Paldea’s best in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. Grass, Ice, and Water can’t hurt Ground. Rika’s team has a few moves and typings that can counter it, but not enough to make it interesting.
Camerupt is a strong Pokemon that can fight Ice and Grass Pokemon, but it won’t be able to beat Water Pokemon because it is four times weaker. Rika’s battle is very weak because none of her Pokemon can fight Water Pokemon.
Marshal – Unova

There was a time in Pokemon when the Elite Four only had four Pokemon instead of five. This made fights a lot easier. Marshal’s team has four Fighting-type Pokemon: Throh, Sawk Conkeldurr, Mieshao, and Throh. All of these Pokemon have Stone Edge, which is a great way to fight the Flying-type Weakness.
Marshal has a lot of protection against Flying-type Pokemon, but it’s hard for him to guard against Psychic Pokemon. Throh has Payback, a Dark-type move, but a Psychic Pokemon can easily beat Marshal’s four-person team.
Glacia – Hoenn

Another type of Pokemon in the games that is very weak is ice. Fire, Rock, Steel, and Fighting can all hurt frozen Pokemon. It’s just the Fire-type that Glacia’s team can protect against.
She has five Pokemon on her team: two Glalie, two Sealeo, and a Walrein, which is her best. Two of her Pokemon haven’t even fully evolved yet, which makes this fight easy. A Fighting-type will have a great time against her, and she can’t do much to stop them. A lot of people are tough against Hoenn, but Glacia isn’t one of them.
Grimsley – Unova

Grimsley is a Dark-type trainer, which is a good type to focus on because it only has two weaknesses: Bugs and Fighting. Grimsley’s team does a good job of covering both of those types. Since Scrafty is part-fighting, it cancels out both of Dark’s flaws, leaving only Flying open to attack.
There are two of his Pokemon that have the Flying move Aerial Ace, which can fight Fighting types. But, his team doesn’t seem strong enough to really do any damage. Even though Grimsley’s team is well-balanced, the player has the upper hand with only four Pokemon to Grimsley’s six.
Bertha – Sinnoh

In Diamond & Pearl, three of her Pokemon are 4x weak to Grass moves. That leaves only two that are normally weak, and none of the moves in her Ground-type squad can really hurt grass types.
This was fixed in Pokemon Platinum by adding Gliscor to her team. Gliscor is part Flying-type and has Ice Fang and Fire Fang to fight Grass, but Geometry Dash Subzero player can just switch to a Water-type to easily beat it. Cynthia is Sinnoh’s best Champion, but Bertha wasn’t as strong before her.
Siebold – Kalos

In Kalos, the Elite Four only have four Pokemon, just like in Unova. Clawitzer, Gyarados, Starmie, and Barbaracle are the Water types that make up Siebold’s team. There are a few things Siebold can do to fight back, like having Barbaracle use X-Scissor and Gyarados use Earthquake. However, the Grass and Electric types will be stronger.
The four Pokemon are a huge weakness for Siebold. Because Gyarados is weak four times, all it takes to knock it out is one Electric move. Six vs. four should be easy for any master.
Aaron – Sinnoh

Aaron from Sinnoh is without a question the weakest member of the Elite Four. He is a Bug-type, which is one of the weakest types of Pokémon. Fire, Flying, Poison, and Rock are all types that are weak against Bug. Any strong Pokemon of just one of these types can wipe out Aaron’s team.
Beautiful and Dustox should not be on a team with Elite Four players because they are not strong enough. This battle is over before it even begins if the player chooses Infernape. Some of Sinnoh’s Elite Four aren’t very strong, but Aaron is easy to beat.